It began in my living room.
PrayHers was birthed out of a heart that had grown tired of being consumed, and entangled with its own hopes and dreams. A heart that was too selfish to realize that there is enough of God's blessings for everyone to enjoy. Therefore, it was ok to celebrate HER life, HER business, HER wealth, HER relationships, and HER well-being.
It was a cold New Years Eve afternoon, in Southfield, MI. The year was 2011. I invited women over to my house for what I called a prayer and praise gathering. Nine women showed up in great expectation!
As we sat snuggled in my living room we all shared openly and honestly our greatest desires as well as our deepest pain. We cried, we laughed, and we shared where we were in our life, and where we hoped to be.
I shared with the group how I wanted to get to a place where I had the same fervency for HERS as I did mine.
I encouraged the women to not just pray their own, but to Pray... Hers (pointing to Lisa). It was at that moment when those words, Pray Hers, rolled off of my tongue that I knew something was birthed. A new season for women had begun, and it was now time to
Unite women. Ignite passions. Birth dreams.
Today, PrayHers continues to evolve into a Sisterhood that is resonating with women as far away as Africa, India, and China.
There is no need for us as women to feel jealous, envious, insignificant, or threatened by other women around us. As we sow our time, talents, gifts, and yes... prayers into the desires of others we can expect to birth our own. Why? Because, In HERS is YOURS!
God bless,