Too Have a
By Tammy L. Dean
​Like the late Dr. Martin Luther King Jr. I too have a dream, and although mine was not birthed out of racial inequality, it was birthed out of the same heart of solidarity. MLK said, “For many of our white brothers, as evidenced by their presence here today, have come to realize that their destiny is tied up with our destiny. And they have come to realize that their freedom is inextricably bound to our freedom.”
Dear Sisters,
It’s time for us to realize that our destinies are indeed, "inextricably bound.” That means we are incapable of being disentangled. We are one body in Christ in need of each other; or as the great apostle Paul so eloquently writes in Ephesians 4:16 NLT- From him the whole body grows, fitted and held together through every supporting ligament. As each one does its part, the body grows in love.
You matter! Always have and always will. Your part effects my part. I need you to be your best, so that I can be my best. Therefore...
I too, have a dream
For women to realize that real beauty shines out from within, and as singer/songwriter India Arie wrote, "My worth is not determined by the price of my clothes".
You are who you are because of Whose you are. It will never be in the clothes that you wear, the car that you drive, the house that you live in, or the man you are with or not with. You are who you are because God loves you.
I too, have a dream
That women would stop the hate, the envy, and tearing down one another in attempt to build their own self confidence.
I too, have a dream
That as women rise to the mountaintop of success, they will not be afraid of being robbed of their positions as they help lift up and encourage another sister.
I too, have a dream
That we transform our mind into believing that we really can do ALL things through Christ, which strengthen us. We are limitless beings! Our deepest dreams can come true no matter how lofty they may be.
I too, have a dream
That women can unashamedly pray together, strive together, admit their faults and cry together. Forgive one another, and move forward for the sake of the mission.
I too, have a dream
That we will break free from the chains of people pleasing, pride, and jealousy, and live the victorious life together as we shout together, free to be… free to be… thank God almighty we are free to be.
We cannot walk alone!
~ Dr. Martin Luther King Jr